By Amiri Wabusimba. In today’s interconnected world, where information flows instantaneously across borders, Uganda stands at a pivotal moment in its media evolution. The democratization of...
Wabusimba Amiri, a multifaceted advocate, journalist, diplomat, and entrepreneur, has enhanced his professional capacity by joining a distinguished team of trainers on gender-responsive reporting and communication....
By Wabusimba Amiri. The stories of Bulambuli have become synonymous with recurring tragedies, Year after year if it’s not Kasese, Manafa it has to be Bulambuli...
By Wabusimba Amiri. Uganda’s political landscape poses a unique challenge for businesses, particularly in a society where younger generations lean toward opposition parties and older demographics...
By: Amiri Wabusimba. As an informed Muzukulu, I attentively followed Jajja’s State of the Nation Address regarding the Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA) merger with the...
By: Wabusimba Amiri. The debate over Uganda’s decision to merge government agencies, particularly the Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA) into the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry,...
In an effort to enhance healthcare governance and elevate professional standards, the Uganda Muslim Medical Bureau (UMMB) held a high-level meeting with Mr. Nyamutale Peter, Registrar...
By: Amiri Wabusimba. The increasing popularity of saunas in urban Uganda, particularly among the upper class, brings both wellness benefits and notable health risks. Known for...
By. Wabusimba Amiri. In Uganda, a significant proposal is advancing through parliament to create a professional licensing body for teachers. This initiative aims to enhance the...
Uganda Muslim Medical Bureau (UMMB) continues to strengthen its impact on health outcomes across Uganda, recently visiting the Rwenzori region as part of the FLASH project....