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Bwiino Newspaper Journalist Dickson Mubiru Detained While On Duty



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In a disconcerting turn of events, Dickson Mubiru, a respected journalist from Bwiino Newspaper, was detained on 18 June 2024. His alleged crime? Running an article that was perceived as an insult to High Court Judge, Her Lordship Alexandra Nkonge Rugadya. This incident has sparked a significant outcry from the journalism community and advocates of press freedom, highlighting once again the precarious nature of media independence in Uganda.

The Incident

The article in question delved into a contentious legal dispute involving lawyer Steven Kalali and Judge Alexandra Nkonge Rugadya. Mubiru’s reporting, which aimed to shed light on the complexities and public interest aspects of the case, was met with severe backlash. His arrest and subsequent detention at the Kampala Central Police Station (CPS) have been seen as an excessive reaction to a journalist fulfilling his duty to inform the public.

Following his detention, the police not only held Mubiru but also conducted a thorough search of Bwiino Newspaper’s offices. During this search, they confiscated vital work tools, including laptops and phones, further crippling the ability of the publication to operate. This move has been widely criticized as an attempt to intimidate and stifle the press.

The Role of Judiciary in Defending Press Freedom

We urge the Judiciary of Uganda, particularly H.W. Nkoge, to embody the principles of a human rights champion by standing up for press freedom. It is imperative that the judiciary acts as a bulwark against any form of oppression that seeks to undermine the democratic foundation of society, which includes a free and independent press.

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Judges, as custodians of justice, have a pivotal role in safeguarding the rights enshrined in the Constitution, including freedom of speech and expression. In this context, we call upon H.W. Nkoge to reconsider the stance taken against Mubiru and to advocate for his release. By doing so, she would not only uphold the rights of journalists but also reinforce the judiciary’s commitment to protecting civil liberties.

The Importance of Press Freedom

Press freedom is a cornerstone of democracy. It ensures that citizens are informed about the actions of those in power and can hold them accountable. When journalists like Dickson Mubiru are detained for their work, it sends a chilling message to the media community and undermines the very fabric of a free society.

Mubiru’s detention is not an isolated incident but part of a broader trend where journalists face harassment, intimidation, and violence for their work. Such actions contravene international human rights standards and the principles of a democratic society. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to which Uganda is a signatory, clearly states in Article 19 that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression.

A Call for Action

We, therefore, call on the Ugandan government and the judiciary to:

  1. Release Dickson Mubiru Immediately and Unconditionally: His detention is a blatant violation of his rights and an affront to press freedom.
  2. Protect Journalists: Ensure that journalists can perform their duties without fear of reprisal. This includes creating a safe and enabling environment for the press to operate.
  3. Uphold the Rule of Law: Respect the 48-hour rule as mandated by the Constitution, which stipulates that any individual detained must be brought before a court within 48 hours.
  4. Engage in Dialogue: Foster a dialogue between the government, the judiciary, and the media to address issues of press freedom and to develop mechanisms for protecting journalists.
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It is crucial for Ugandan society to recognize that journalism is not a crime. The detention of journalists like Dickson Mubiru only serves to highlight the urgent need for reforms that protect and promote press freedom. By defending the rights of journalists, we uphold the principles of transparency, accountability, and democracy.

As we stand in solidarity with Mubiru and other detained journalists, we reiterate that the pen is mightier than the sword. The role of the media in shaping public discourse and holding power to account cannot be understated. It is in the best interest of society to ensure that journalists can perform their duties without fear of harassment or detention.

The detention of Dickson Mubiru is a grim reminder of the ongoing struggle for press freedom in Uganda. As we continue to call for his release, we urge the Judiciary of Uganda, especially H.W. Nkoge, to champion the cause of human rights and press freedom. It is only through such collective efforts that we can hope to build a society that values and protects the fundamental rights of all its citizens.

#FreeMubiru #

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