In a twist that could come straight out of a Hollywood drama, Daphne Joy, known for her connections with both 50 Cent and Diddy, has inadvertently...
Pearl Magic Prima, a prominent player in promoting local content, has introduced a new reality show titled “Mum Vs Wife,” captivating audiences with its unique culinary...
Shanita Namuyimbwa, formerly known as the “President of Prostitutes” and more commonly referred to as Bad Black, has made serious allegations against herbalist Kojja Kitonsa. Namuyimbwa...
Spice Diana, the popular Ugandan singer and brand ambassador for the betting company 22BET, recently presented a cheque for 227 million Ugandan Shillings to a fortunate...
Swangz Avenue songstress, Winnie Nakanwagi, popularly known as Nwagi, is gearing up for legal action against upcoming musician Bizzy Nateete following his recent public claims regarding...
The popular artist known for the hit song “Risk” has openly declared that Ava Peace is not his type, stating that he would reject any romantic...
Martha Mukisa recently voiced her support for fellow artist Kenzo’s relationship with Junior Minerals Minister Fiona Nyamutoro, praising the union while issuing a gentle warning about...
In a revealing interview, socialite Bryan White, who recently returned to Uganda after a stint in Dubai, discussed his history of financial generosity with notable figures...
The Miss Uganda Foundation, in collaboration with StarTimes Uganda, has officially launched the 2024 edition of the Miss Uganda beauty pageant. This year’s theme, “True Ugandan...
In the latest development within Uganda’s entertainment industry, media personality and YouTuber Katende Isaac, better known as Kasuku, has launched a scathing attack on socialite Bryan...