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Human Rights Report on the Events of November 17th and 18th, 2020, in Uganda – Kampala



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Prepared by Clinton Mirrors, Human Rights Activist

Introduction: The following report details the egregious human rights violations that transpired in Uganda, specifically in Kampala, during the disturbing days and nights of November 17th and 18th, 2020. This period marked a dark chapter in the nation’s history, as armed forces, entrusted with protecting citizens, instead unleashed a reign of terror upon innocent individuals exercising their democratic rights.

Background: The events unfolded against the backdrop of a charged political atmosphere, with citizens expressing dissent and participating in peaceful demonstrations. The response from the armed forces, however, was far from proportional or lawful, leading to widespread violations of human rights.

Violations Documented:

  1. Extrajudicial Killings: Human rights reports confirm numerous instances of extrajudicial killings during the specified period. Innocent individuals, merely exercising their democratic rights, fell victim to the use of lethal force by the armed forces.
  2. Arbitrary Arrests: The armed forces engaged in widespread arbitrary arrests, detaining individuals without proper legal justification. Many of those apprehended were peaceful protesters, journalists, and human rights defenders, targeted for their perceived opposition to the government.
  3. Suppression of Peaceful Protests: Peaceful demonstrations were met with brutal suppression, with security forces employing tear gas, rubber bullets, and live ammunition against unarmed civilians. This blatant disregard for the right to peaceful assembly exacerbated the human rights crisis.

State Inaction and Impunity: Despite the overwhelming evidence of heinous crimes committed by the armed forces, the state’s response has been marked by a disturbing lack of accountability. No meaningful action has been taken to hold those responsible for the violations accountable, perpetuating a culture of impunity.

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International Response: Human rights organizations and activists, both within Uganda and globally, have raised their voices against these atrocities. The international community, informed by detailed human rights reports, has condemned the actions of the armed forces and called for immediate investigations.

International Response:Human rights organizations and activists, both within Uganda and globally, have raised their voices against these atrocities. The international community, informed by detailed human rights reports, has condemned the actions of the armed forces and called for immediate investigations.

International Response:
Human rights organizations and activists, both within Uganda and globally, have raised their voices against these atrocities. The international community, informed by detailed human rights reports, has condemned the actions of the armed forces and called for immediate investigations.


Civil Society Mobilization: In the face of adversity, civil society in Uganda has mobilized with resilience. Human rights defenders, advocacy groups, and concerned citizens have engaged in campaigns to bring attention to the injustices. Social media, protests, and advocacy initiatives have played a crucial role in keeping the spotlight on the need for accountability.

Clinton Mirrors’ Perspective: As a human rights activist deeply invested in the pursuit of justice, I am appalled by the events that transpired in Uganda during November 2020. The blatant disregard for the democratic rights of citizens and the absence of accountability are deeply troubling. The ties that bind us to the innocent victims only strengthen our determination to fight for justice, irrespective of the challenges we face.


  1. Transparent Investigations: Urgent, impartial, and transparent investigations must be conducted into the documented human rights violations. Those found responsible must be held accountable for their actions.
  2. International Pressure: The international community should exert diplomatic pressure on the Ugandan government to address the human rights crisis. Sanctions and other diplomatic measures should be considered if necessary.
  3. Protection of Activists: Measures must be implemented to ensure the protection of human rights activists, journalists, and all individuals expressing dissent. The right to freedom of expression must be upheld.
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In conclusion, the events of November 17th and 18th, 2020, demand swift and decisive action to restore justice, protect human rights, and prevent a recurrence of such egregious violations. The international community must stand in solidarity with the people of Uganda to ensure that the pursuit of democracy and human rights prevails over oppression and impunity.

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