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Journalists Barred as Former KCCA Officials Face CID Over Kiteezi Landfill Disaster



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Ahead of the highly anticipated appearance of three former Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) officials at the Criminal Investigations Directorate (CID) headquarters, journalists have been blocked from accessing the premises. The trio—Dorothy Kisaka, former Executive Director, David Luyimbazi, and Daniel Okello—are set to face questions about the catastrophic Kiteezi landfill disaster, which led to President Yoweri Museveni ordering a comprehensive investigation into potential criminal negligence.

Security has been heightened around Kibuli Road, with counterterrorism personnel and plainclothes detectives deployed to secure the area. Access to the Nsambya vicinity has been restricted, with boda-boda riders and taxi drivers instructed not to stop in the area. Journalists, along with curious bystanders, have been redirected to gather near the Islamic University in Uganda (IUIU) junction, further away from the CID offices.

Police Spokesperson Kituuma Rusoke confirmed the investigation is in line with directives issued by President Museveni, following findings from the Inspector General of Government (IGG) report on the Kiteezi tragedy, which claimed at least 30 lives in August. The report highlighted significant irregularities and potential corruption linked to the management of the landfill.

“As per the President’s directive, we are investigating the Kiteezi incident. We had to wait for the IGG to conclude their investigation before proceeding with ours. The former KCCA officials will appear before us on Wednesday,” Kituuma said.

The dismissed KCCA officials are expected to provide detailed accounts of their involvement in the alleged irregularities, including the mismanagement of contracts, embezzlement of funds, and failure to enforce environmental regulations, all of which are believed to have contributed to the disastrous landfill collapse.

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Their appearance comes after their removal from office by President Museveni, as the government seeks to hold those responsible for the disaster accountable. With questions mounting over the roles played by these former officials, this investigation may shed more light on the failures that led to one of Uganda’s most tragic environmental disasters in recent years.

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