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Opposition Lists Four Key Demands in Response to Government’s Human Rights Statement



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In a pointed response to the government’s recent parliamentary statement addressing concerns about human rights abuses and missing persons, the opposition has articulated four major demands to address these pressing issues.

Led by the Leader of the Opposition in Parliament, Mr. Mathias Mpuuga, the opposition members during a plenary session highlighted their primary demand for the immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners currently held in numerous jails and illegal detention centers without trial. Mr. Mpuuga criticized the non-trial of these cases as a significant indicator of the government’s lack of evidence and an attempt to further suppress civil liberties and criminalize affiliations with the opposition.

The second demand focused on the establishment of a Commission of Inquiry into human rights violations, suggesting that it be led by a High Court judge. “We believe that the Commission will possess the necessary authority, independence, and resources to uncover the truth, hold the guilty accountable, and ensure that justice is served,” Mr. Mpuuga asserted.

Additionally, the opposition called for the creation of a Select Committee tasked with investigating various crimes including rape, defilement, property destruction, murders, and unwarranted arrests. The final demand stressed the need for individuals not subject to military law, who are currently being tried in military courts, to be transferred to civil courts. This move should follow the directive of the Director of Public Prosecutions as affirmed by the Constitutional Court in the landmark Constitution Petition No.44 of 2015.

These demands were made in a rejoinder to the November 29 statement by the Executive, which was itself a reaction to the opposition’s sustained calls for accountability regarding the disappearance of Ugandans and other human rights violations reported across the nation. The opposition’s firm stance seeks to ensure substantial reforms and justice for affected individuals.

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