In a recent episode of the Tinta Media YouTube Channel, host Tina took viewers on a journey through the political career of former Zambian President Rupiah...
In a recent captivating episode of Metro FM 90.8’s show hosted by Omusawo Tintah, USA-based singer Esther Sings graced the airwaves with her soulful melodies and...
Halle Bailey, known for her remarkable talent as a singer and actress, recently graced the cover of Essence Magazine, marking her return to the spotlight after...
During a candid discussion on The Pivot Podcast, comedian Jess Hilarious opened up about her sole regret in her career, shedding light on a moment that...
Tyreek Hill’s tenure with the Miami Dolphins has undeniably been marked by stellar individual performances, elevating the team’s offensive prowess. However, recent events have stirred tensions...
During his acceptance speech for the Producer Award at the African-American Film Critics Association Awards, Jamie Foxx couldn’t resist addressing the bizarre conspiracy theories that have...
Kid Cudi, a luminary in the hip-hop world, continues to captivate fans with his unique creativity and genuine connection through music. The Cleveland icon’s ability to...
Sneaker enthusiasts received exciting news from Reebok recently as the company announced a significant shake-up in its basketball division. NBA legends Shaquille O’Neal and Allen Iverson...
Rick Ross has always been known for his unique sense of style and unabashed confidence, and his latest video is no exception. In a peculiar new...
Will Smith took to Instagram on Monday to announce the completion of filming for the highly anticipated fourth installment of the Bad Boys franchise. Sharing a...