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Police Cracks Down on Misconduct Among Private Security Guards



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The Uganda Police Force (UPF) is actively addressing a series of serious incidents involving private security guards, which have raised significant concerns. Issues range from internal violence among guards to aggressive behavior towards clients at various locations such as petrol stations, sports betting venues, factories, and residential areas. These incidents have not only caused trauma and distress to victims but have also posed a significant risk to public safety.

Moreover, there is an alarming trend of private security guards mishandling firearms. Reports of guards carrying guns carelessly, using motorcycles for transport, or wandering without purpose are particularly troubling, as these behaviors increase the risk of firearm theft or misuse.

In response, the UPF has initiated several measures to curb these dangers. These include enforcing strict compliance with firearm handling guidelines, directing territorial commanders to detain guards violating these standards, and suspending or revoking the licenses of non-compliant private security organizations (PSOs). Since January 2024, disciplinary actions have been recommended against 27 PSOs due to various infractions.

Additionally, the Directorate of Operations is enhancing collaboration with PSOs to elevate awareness of potential threats and improve data sharing on risky behaviors. Measures also include stricter auditing of PSOs, secure transportation protocols for firearms, and comprehensive training programs developed by the Directorate of Human Resource Development.

The UPF is also intensifying efforts in intelligence gathering, including conducting background checks and re-vetting security personnel. These steps are part of a broader strategy to ensure safer firearm management and better security practices among private guards. Through ongoing partnerships with the Association of PSOs, the UPF remains committed to refining these initiatives and enhancing the overall security framework.

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