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Prosecutor Oppose Bail for 32 NUP Supporters in Court Martial



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Prosecutors have opposed the bail application for 32 National Unity Platform (NUP) supporters, arguing their release could compromise ongoing investigations. The NUP supporters appeared before the General Court Martial, where prosecutors presented their case against granting bail.

The accused are facing charges linked to national security, which the prosecutors claim are severe enough to warrant their continued detention. This decision has drawn criticism from NUP officials and human rights advocates, who argue that the prolonged pre-trial detention of their supporters infringes on their rights.

NUP, led by opposition figure Robert Kyagulanyi, known as Bobi Wine, has consistently criticized the government’s legal actions against its members. They argue that these charges are politically motivated, aiming to stifle dissent and suppress the opposition.

The continued detention of the NUP supporters underscores the tense political environment in Uganda, where opposition groups often face government pressure and scrutiny. Human rights organizations have called for the government to respect the rights of the accused and ensure a fair legal process.

The court’s decision to deny bail further highlights the challenges faced by opposition members, who continue to fight for their release and maintain their innocence.

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