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Recommendations of the Committee Report



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On 12th January, 2023, the President of the National Unity Platform instituted a Committee to inquire into the divisions amongst the leaders within Busoga Sub-region. Five leaders were suspended to give way for the Committee to carry out its investigations.

The suspended leaders were Mr. Bigirwa Moses, Mr. Muwanguzi Andrew, Mr. Bamu Lulenzi, Mr. Jamal Mukuve Ayagalaki and Mr. Saulo Nsongambi.

The Committee handed over its report on 10th March, 2023.

Among other findings, the Committee found that there has been gross indiscipline from some of the leaders – reflected in their undending power struggles, which has occasioned and encouraged the divisions.

Accordingly, the Committee recommended that the five leaders are all re-instated in their respective positions but given a very strong warning. They have also been tasked to apologize to the Party in writing and make a fresh commitment to conduct themselves in a manner that does not foster divisions or undermine the cause.

This morning, the report and recommendations were presented to the stakeholders from Busoga Sub-region, including elected leaders, registrars, coordinators and the leaders of mobilisation.

The President expressed disappointment over the continued bickering amongst the few leaders, and reminded the stakeholders of the mission at hand. He tasked them to always be mindful and prioritise the aspirations of the people of Busoga Sub-region who are wallowing in poverty and many other problems, and are in urgent need ot liberation.

We are very grateful to the Committee for doing their work diligently and in a timely manner. We hope that moving forward, we shall have a more disciplined team that works for the greater good of the cause.

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BY Clinton Mirrors Ampaire

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