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Activists Urge EU to Impose Sanctions on Uganda Over Anti-Homosexuality Act



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Human rights activists and LGBTQ+ advocates have intensified their call for the European Union (EU) to impose sanctions on Uganda following the passage of the Anti-Homosexuality Act, which enshrines severe penalties for same-sex activities. The controversial law, which criminalizes homosexuality and includes provisions for life imprisonment and the death penalty in certain cases, has sparked international outrage and condemnation.

Advocates argue that the law represents a gross violation of human rights and contravenes international treaties that Uganda has signed. They assert that the law fosters an environment of fear and discrimination for LGBTQ+ individuals in Uganda, subjecting them to increased risks of violence, persecution, and social ostracism.

Calls for sanctions have primarily centered on freezing assets and imposing travel bans on Ugandan officials directly involved in drafting and enforcing the law. Activists believe such measures will send a clear message to the Ugandan government that the international community stands firmly against laws that persecute people based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Supporters of the sanctions argue that while financial aid and trade agreements are crucial tools for international diplomacy, they should not come at the cost of human rights. They maintain that imposing sanctions will pressure the Ugandan government to reconsider the law and, ultimately, lead to its repeal.

The EU has faced growing pressure to take decisive action against Uganda, with several member states expressing deep concern over the country’s deteriorating human rights record. The passage of the Anti-Homosexuality Act has further highlighted the need for the EU to adopt a firm stance against governments that institutionalize discrimination.

See also  Opinion: Can We See LGBTIQ Individuals in Uganda Live Freely?

The move for sanctions follows similar steps being considered by other countries, including the United States, which have already expressed their intent to review aid packages and diplomatic relations with Uganda. These international efforts aim to uphold human rights principles and protect the dignity and safety of LGBTQ+ individuals worldwide.

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