Tyler Perry’s latest film, “Mea Culpa,” made waves earlier this week with its star-studded premiere, featuring Destiny’s Child alumna Kelly Rowland in the lead role as...
Bow Wow, known for his collaborations with Jermaine Dupri, recently shed light on another significant figure in his career: T.I. In a candid interview with The...
Last week, tensions flared between Dreezy and Deion Sanders’ daughter, Deiondra, on Twitter, shedding light on a tangled romantic web involving Dreezy’s ex, Jacquees. The drama...
Comedian and actor D.L. Hughley is taking a different approach to conflicts in the entertainment world, as he recently shared his perspective on his public feud...
Following the release of her “From The Block” freestyle on February 8, Baby Tate found herself amidst controversy as fans and critics speculated about similarities between...
The summer anthem of 2023, “Put It On Da Floor Again” by Latto and Cardi B, has achieved platinum status, as reported by Complex. Initially released...
Emoji billboards featuring Ice Spice’s infamous lyric “Think you the shit, you not even the fart” have been spotted cruising around Atlanta, sparking speculation about the...
Cam’ron finds himself on the hook for a significant sum after losing a lawsuit filed against him by photographer Djamilla Cochran. The federal judge, William Martini,...
The rap community is buzzing with discussions surrounding the recent arrest of YSL’s defense lawyer in their ongoing RICO case. Nicole Fegan, the attorney representing members...
Amber Rose swiftly addressed speculations surrounding her alleged romance with NFL player C.J. Stroud following their appearance together at a charity softball game in Houston. Taking...