Cancer is a formidable adversary, and for teenagers and young adults, the journey through diagnosis, treatment, and recovery can be particularly daunting. Recognizing the unique challenges...
In an unprecedented turn of events, two Members of Parliament from Uganda’s ruling party, the National Resistance Movement (NRM), have been charged and remanded on corruption...
Several hundred people briefly took part in a banned LGBTQ+ Pride Parade in Istanbul on Sunday, with Turkish police detaining some of the participants. Waving rainbow flags and chanting various...
In an era where the intersection of healthcare and community empowerment is more critical than ever, the International Empowerment Conference on Healthcare & the Medical Sector...
Date: June 27, 2024 Location: Ottawa, Canada India’s Decision to Export Arms to Israel Amid Gaza Conflict Under Scrutiny India’s recent decision to export rockets and...
Nairobi, June 25, 2024 — Kenya is currently experiencing a severe crisis as nationwide protests against recent tax hikes have escalated into violent clashes between demonstrators...
The unsettling trend of political leaders perishing in airplane crashes has persisted over recent years, prompting deep scrutiny and concern worldwide. In recent years, the world...
After a years-long legal saga, Wikileaks says that founder Julian Assange has left the UK after reaching a deal with US authorities that will see him...
In the journey towards liberating our beloved Uganda from the grips of dictatorship, each one of us plays an indispensable role. Your presence in the diaspora...
Corruption in Uganda has been a persistent issue, undermining public trust and stunting the nation’s development. President Yoweri Museveni’s government, despite various anti-corruption promises and initiatives,...