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Allegations of Mismanagement Surround Photojournalist Abubaker Lubowa and FOMEDA ACTIVE Sacco



Allegations of Mismanagement Surround Photojournalist Abubaker Lubowa and FOMEDA ACTIVE Sacco
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An investigation by this website has unveiled concerns surrounding Abubaker Lubowa, a photojournalist partially responsible for managing the journalist’s Sacco along with a select few. Members of the FOMEDA ACTIVE Sacco, whose identities have been withheld, have voiced discontent, accusing Lubowa of turning the organization into a personal entity by excluding them from crucial decision-making processes.

Allegations suggest that Lubowa, functioning as the chairperson, has centralized the Sacco’s management, involving only two close associates, leading to substantial financial losses for the organization. Members have criticized Lubowa’s limited involvement during the initial phases, only reappearing after the Sacco’s formation, citing busy assignments as an excuse for absenteeism.

Tensions have escalated within the Sacco, particularly between Lubowa and Deborah Namamonde, the secretary general, and a significant member of the loans committee. Namamonde’s strained relationship with Lubowa emerged due to her perceived interference and persistent inquiries into the questionable dealings of the chairperson and his close associates.

Transparency issues and alleged unscrupulous actions have been raised against Lubowa, who reportedly used Namamonde’s deputy, with limited information on crucial matters, to authorize cash transactions, neglecting the majority interest of the members.

Furthermore, frustrations have mounted among members, with allegations of Lubowa and his allies obstructing loan requests and questionable dealings, such as investing Sacco funds in the now-defunct Capital Chicken business, which recently faced a significant scandal involving a 1.7 billion shillings scam.

The Sacco members discovered that a portion of their savings, reportedly around 12 million shillings, was tied up in the Capital Chicken investment without their consent or awareness, leading to concerns about potential undisclosed investments made by Lubowa and associates.

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Efforts to address these issues and seek accountability through discussions have reportedly been met with silence and evasion from Lubowa. The journalist is also accused of misappropriating the public Media Dinner fellowship for personal gain, causing further rifts among his colleagues.

Amid growing tensions and allegations of mismanagement, some members have expressed apprehension about the lack of clarity and fear of undisclosed activities by the select few, calling for transparency and accountability within the Sacco’s operations.

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