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Luwero : School Director Hospitalized After Collapse Following Arrest for Alleged Defilement of Six P7 Candidates”



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Law enforcement in Luwero took into custody a school director under suspicion of sexually assaulting six underage girls, all enrolled as candidates in the primary seven class. Furthermore, he stands accused of coercing one of the victims into procuring an abortion.

The individual in question has been identified as Jonah Ssebamanya, holding the position of director at Kings Palace Primary School situated in Kakookolo zone within Luwero town council. Notably, Ssebamanya also works as a health professional at Katuugo Health Center 111, a government facility located in Luwero sub-county.

School Director in Luwero Arrested for Alleged Pupil Defilement

According to Sam Twiineamazima, the Savannah Regional Police Spokesperson, Ssebamanya’s arrest followed complaints indicating that, between October and September of the present year, he allegedly sexually assaulted six pupils aged between 13 to 17 years, all of whom were preparing for their Primary Seven examinations.

Twiineamazima confirmed that following an investigation involving the tracing of the victims and conducting medical examinations, three out of the six pupils were found to have been sexually abused.

He added that the victims, their parents, and the suspect have provided statements at Luwero Central Police station to assist ongoing investigations.

Nsubuga Emmanuel, the Kakookolo parish councilor, alleges that the director reportedly picked up pupils from the school dormitory, taking them to his residence in Kikubajinja zone, where he purportedly assaulted them during nighttime.

Joyce Namigadde, the Luwero District Probation Officer, reported that one of the victims disclosed that Ssebamanya had facilitated an abortion after she became pregnant due to the alleged defilement.

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Namigadde mentioned, “During our operation with the Police, we found the girl receiving treatment after procuring an abortion with the suspect’s assistance.”

She further noted that despite the school director’s arrest, efforts are being made to ensure the victims can sit for their examinations as scheduled at another institution.

However, Ssebamanya denies the allegations, asserting that they are a result of rivalry within the education sector.

Reportedly, Ssebamanya collapsed after being detained at Luwero Central Police Station and was subsequently rushed to Luwero hospital for medical attention on Saturday.

Ssebamanya has since been transferred back to police custody, awaiting charges of aggravated defilement and a court appearance sanctioned by the state attorney.

The district of Luwero is currently grappling with a surge in defilement cases, both within educational institutions and the community.

Not long ago, another teacher, Shadrack Kabugo of Rapha Primary School in Luwero town, was arrested and remanded in prison on allegations of defiling a 13-year-old pupil.

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Similarly, Sulaiman Kizito, a 56-year-old resident of Kasenene village in Katikamu sub-county, was apprehended by Luwero Police for allegedly assaulting a stepdaughter and grandchild while his wife was away at the hospital. The two children were rescued by the District Probation office and placed under care and counseling at a child care center.

According to the Police crime report, in 2022, a total of 166 defilement cases were reported, with 68 classified as aggravated. Luwero District ranked second-highest in reported cases of defilement.

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