Police in Hoima City, Cast Division, have detained four people, including a barmaid, in connection with the mysterious disappearance of Felix Ndyomugabe in Kasomoro village. Ndyomugabe, 28, went missing on January 29, 2024, around 9:00 pm after an alleged dispute with his colleagues.
Joslyn Tumuhaise, a Kasomoro village resident, reported that Ndyomugabe, employed on the farm of National Resistance Movement party vice-chairperson Vincent Savanna, disappeared following a confrontation with coworkers. Despite efforts by the LC1 chairperson, Sam Azora, and collaboration with the Police, residents, and relatives, the search operation yielded no results.
Vincent Savanna acknowledged Ndyomugabe’s disappearance and directed inquiries to the Police. On Thursday, Julius Hakiza, the Albertine Police Region spokesperson, revealed that four individuals, including the barmaid from the last known drinking establishment, are currently assisting the Police in custody. Hakiza withheld their identities to avoid compromising the ongoing investigation.