Toronto, ON – Amid escalating tensions in Uganda as the nation approaches the critical 2026 Presidential elections, Ugandan nationals residing in Ontario have stepped forward, rallying...
In Eichsfeld, Germany, Erdina Laca, an asylum seeker from Albania, now uses a special payment card for groceries, part of a new regulation that limits cash...
A recent report by the UN Committee Against Torture has called for immediate action to improve the treatment of asylum seekers in Austria, particularly those identified...
With EU elections looming and the rise of far-right parties anticipated, the 27-nation bloc is set to give final approval to a significant overhaul of its...
Ireland has announced a significant reduction in the weekly allowance for Ukrainian refugees living in state-provided accommodation, aiming to align its system more closely with other...
After months of negotiations, a coalition deal has been reached in the Netherlands, moving the country sharply to the right and significantly impacting migrants and refugees....
Ireland has reportedly sent the first 50 migrants who traveled there from the UK back to Britain. This announcement comes just weeks after UK Prime Minister...
Ella Anthony knew it was time to leave her native Nigeria when she escaped an abusive, forced marriage only to face angry relatives who threatened to...
Undocumented migrants in Spain will now have access to medical care under a new law passed on May 14, 2024. This legislation reverses restrictions imposed in...
A group of national unity platform Supporters residing in Ontario gathered at the Ontario Parliament to submit a significant petition. This petition calls for the Canadian...