In response to Universal Music Group’s recent threat to remove its artists’ music from TikTok due to a contract dispute, Muni Long has voiced her disapproval...
Amidst the ongoing drama surrounding Nicki Minaj, particularly her reaction to Megan Thee Stallion’s latest single “HISS,” unexpected attention has surfaced due to a TikTok posted...
Victoria Monet, rapidly ascending to superstar status, achieved critical acclaim with her debut major label album, Jaguar II, released last year. Fueled by the success of...
When your significant other is Rihanna, finding the right birthday gift can be a daunting task, given her iconic status and impeccable taste. However, ASAP Rocky...
SZA, known for her fascination with astrology, recently delved into the connection between her songs and zodiac signs during a recent interview. The artist, often hailed...
In November of the previous year, Tiffany Haddish faced her second DUI arrest after falling asleep behind the wheel of her car, parked improperly. Despite this,...
Pusha T recently took to Instagram to convey warm birthday wishes to the renowned “Rager,” Kid Cudi. In a heartfelt post, Pusha T expressed gratitude for...
In a prelude to Grammy Week, Amazon Music set the stage ablaze with its ’24 Lot Party, a star-studded soirée uniting luminaries from the realms of...
In a surprising turn of events, acclaimed producer Metro Boomin has expressed his satisfaction with Universal Music Group (UMG)’s recent decision to sever ties with TikTok....
Following a controversial gambling stream, 21 Savage has committed to paying Adin Ross $400K after the streamer exposed that the rapper’s entourage had introduced marked cards...