The Toronto Caribbean Carnival 2024, held under the theme “Northern Lights,” concluded with a spectacular celebration, crowning Lux as the Small Band of the Year. The...
In a dramatic turn of events, Uganda’s High Commissioner to Canada, Joy Ruth Acheng, has come under fire for her conduct during a peaceful protest organized...
In a disturbing incident, police officers in Kampala, Uganda, damaged a video camera belonging to a BBS TV journalist while they were covering a peaceful protest...
By Wabusimba Amiri. Once hailed as the “Pearl of Africa” by Winston Churchill for its splendid weather and abundant natural resources, Uganda is now frequently linked...
Prominent activist and journalist Agather Atuhaire has come forward with alarming claims of threats against her life. The threats, allegedly from members of the Chieftaincy of...
Three university students and a Belgian national were arrested this morning during a protest march to the Chinese Embassy in Kololo, Kampala. The demonstrators aimed to...
The ambitious project to construct Akon City, a futuristic metropolis envisioned by the Senegalese-American singer Akon, has sparked significant controversy and upheaval among the local communities...
A group of 14 Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) members from the Katonga faction were arraigned before Buganda Road Court on August 5, 2024, on charges...
At least 13 leaders from the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) Katonga faction have been arrested and detained at the Central Police Station (CPS), the acting...
The General Court Martial at Makindye has remanded the National Unity Platform (NUP) head of security, Achileo Kivumbi, to Luzira upper prison until September 2, 2024,...