A group of journalists took a break from their reporting duties to embark on a unique initiative in Kabale Town. Instead of their usual tasks of...
As the world celebrates World Press Freedom Day, Ugandan politician Joel Ssenyonyi has emphasized the urgent need to empower and protect journalists in Uganda. Recognizing the...
Anita Among, Speaker of the Ugandan Parliament, has strongly condemned recent sanctions imposed on Ugandan officials and reaffirmed her commitment to opposing LGBTQ rights in the...
The National Unity Platform (NUP), Uganda’s main opposition party, claims involvement in the recent UK sanctions imposed on Speaker of Parliament Anita Among and former ministers...
Bobi Wine, leader of Uganda’s opposition party, the National Unity Platform, is urging Western countries to impose sanctions on President Yoweri Museveni and his son, Muhoozi...
The capital of Cameroon has gained a new health and human-rights center serving LGBTQ people and others most at-risk of contracting AIDS. The non-profit association SOS...
Protests have long been a powerful tool for social change and democracy worldwide, and Uganda is no exception. The country has seen numerous demonstrations driven by...
The National Unity Platform party has today at its headquarters in Makerere, Kavule launched the mega nationwide membership registration drive aimed at enrolling its supporters into...
In a significant move towards strengthening its organizational framework, the National Unity Platform (NUP) officially launched its Party Structure Formation Roadmap and initiated a countrywide membership...
In a landmark move, the United Kingdom has levied sanctions against several Ugandan politicians allegedly involved in corrupt practices. Among those targeted are individuals accused of...