Ice Cube, the iconic rapper and actor, has stepped into the spotlight with a warning for Jennifer Lopez amidst the resurgence of legal troubles for her...
Ice Spice, the Bronx native known for her witty humor and bold presence, caused a stir on Friday afternoon (April 5) when she jokingly attributed the...
Cardi B recently took to TikTok Live to address misconceptions surrounding her heritage after a viral interaction earlier this week sparked discussions online. In a series...
Renowned for his extravagant music videos, Chris Brown faces the consequences of a costly lawsuit filed by backup dancer Danielle Griffin. The lawsuit, initiated in 2019,...
The ongoing feud between Kendrick Lamar, J. Cole, and Drake has reached a new level following Cole’s “7 Minute Drill” response to Kendrick’s disses. However, Joey...
Moniece Slaughter, known for her candid opinions, stirred up controversy during a recent appearance on Shirley Ju’s podcast Shirley’s Temple. The songwriter addressed her previous Tweet...
JPEGMAFIA, the outspoken artist from Baltimore, has had a tumultuous beginning to 2024, marked by confrontations, controversies, and candid exchanges on social media. His candid rants...
Conditions in detention centers remained harsh and in some cases life-threatening. Serious problems included overcrowding, physical abuse of detainees by security staff and fellow inmates, inadequate...
C. TORTURE AND OTHER CRUEL, INHUMAN, OR DEGRADING TREATMENT OR PUNISHMENT The constitution and law prohibit such practices. The law stipulates that any person convicted of...
DISAPPEARANCE Local media reported several disappearances. Officials of the opposition National Unity Platform party (NUP) said they could not account for dozens of their supporters whom...