Abdul-Rashid Kyoto, also known as Njovu, has been remanded to Luzira Prison by the Nakawa Chief Magistrate’s Court on charges of terrorism and the murder of...
Ten individuals accused of engaging in examination malpractices have approached the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) seeking resolution as the investigation into their actions continues. The...
Peace Proscovia, renowned She Cranes star, has been appointed as part of the four-member normalization committee tasked with overseeing netball activities in Uganda. This development follows...
The Court of Appeal, comprised of Lady Justice Catherine Bamugemereire, Christopher Gashirabake, and Oscar Kihika, has reduced the initial 50-year jail sentence for Ben Omollo, Patrick...
Wobulenzi Public Primary School in Luwero district is causing alarm among parents and community leaders as it faces the possibility of being sold due to an...
The Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) has initiated a Voluntary Disclosure Program (VDP), encouraging individuals with offshore incomes and assets to disclose their holdings. This program, a...
Charles Wesley Mumbere, King Of Obusinga Bwa Rwenzururu , has issued a call for unity between his subjects and security forces in the ongoing efforts to...
Bishop Jacinto Kibuuka, the presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Orthodox Church (EOC) in Uganda, delivered a compelling message on justice, trustworthiness, and honesty during the EOC...
In a compelling address at the IMBRICS+ Forum held in Saint Petersburg, Russia, Hamuza Ssenyondo, the CEO of Nabugabo Updeal Joint Venture, unveiled groundbreaking achievements in...
Robert Kyagulanyi, popularly known as Bobi Wine and the leader of the National Unity Platform (NUP), and former Presidential Candidate, has appealed to all Ugandans to...