The residents of Kabale Municipality are facing growing apprehension due to the heightened risk of contracting diseases resulting from deteriorating sanitation conditions. This escalating concern is...
In a significant ceremony held at the headquarters in Niongera Kiwanja of Rutshuru territory in North Kivu, the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces Contingent, an integral part...
An investigation by this website has unveiled concerns surrounding Abubaker Lubowa, a photojournalist partially responsible for managing the journalist’s Sacco along with a select few. Members...
Davidson Mulumba, the Bugiri district LCV chairman, has been summoned by Busoga East Police following allegations of assaulting Cpl Fred Wabwire, the officer in charge of...
Lawyers have taken legal action in the High Court in Kampala, demanding the immediate appearance of Hajji Abubakali Nsamba in court to account for his detention,...
Jofram Waidhuuba, a retired Civil Servant, faced charges of abuse of office and conspiracy to defraud the Jinja Municipal Council of its land at the Anti-Corruption...
Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja has officially called on the Inspector General of Police (IGP) to initiate a thorough investigation targeting individuals spreading what she termed as...
Rapper Gunplay faced arrest for the eighth time due to his violation of a restraining order issued by his estranged wife, Vonshae Taylor-Morales, sparking concerns about...
In the world of cybersecurity, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are like malicious traffic jams on the information superhighway. These attacks can cripple your network...
Threads, a platform under the Meta umbrella, has introduced built-in options for posting GIFs and polls. Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, announced these updates on Thursday...