Annual African Descent Summit 2024, hosted by African Descent Ontario (ADSON). This year’s summit carries a powerful theme: “Recognition, Justice, and Development,” and is scheduled to...
Keipher Scott, better known as Korexion, hails from a family of exceptionally talented musicians in Jamaica. He has since made his way to Canada to continue...
The Court of Appeal is poised to adjudicate on an appeal filed by the Directorate of Public Prosecutions (DPP), contesting a High Court order that suspended...
Kampala, Uganda – In a stirring call to action, Pastor Vicelo Vicent Mpiima, a prominent spiritual leader and human rights activist, has made a compelling plea...
SustainAbility Solutions (SS), a renowned consultancy specializing in organizational sustainability and efficiency based in Johannesburg South Africa has successfully concluded a comprehensive two-day assessment at the...
In a landmark ruling, South Korea’s Supreme Court has recognized the right of same-sex couples to receive dependent coverage under the country’s public health insurance system....
President Yoweri Museveni signed the Non-Governmental Organizations (Amendment) Act, 2024, imposing stringent controls over the operations, funding, and licensing of NGOs, including those advocating for LGBTQ+...
Address at Kizinda Grounds, Ishaka – Bushenyi Party President Robert Kyagulanyi continued his national tour today, making a significant stop at Kizinda Grounds in Ishaka –...
In a significant move, the Government of Uganda (GOU) is set to pay 199.83 billion UGX of the 247 billion UGX awarded by the International Court...
On July 20, 2024, the Toronto Pavilion will be the epicenter of an extraordinary celebration of African heritage and culture. The Annual African Descent Summit, Concert,...