Renowned Ugandan author Kakwenza Rukirabashaija, known for his critical stance against the government, has declared his imminent return to his homeland. Rukirabashaija asserts his intention to...
Law enforcement authorities have detained Matsiko Farouk, a 27-year-old man, over suspicions of ties to the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF). The arrest took place on October...
The Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) has officially severed ties with the People’s Government, a body previously spearheaded by former party president Dr. Kizza Besigye, stationed...
Kirabo Hawa Nalubwama, a resilient individual, has been confronting a series of severe health conditions that threaten her well-being. Diagnosed with Hepatitis B, a damaged liver,...
The tranquility of Kanyacucu Village in Nyarubuye Sub County, Kisoro District was shattered as the Bakunzi Nizeyimana family faced an agonizing ordeal. Their youngest, 10-year-old John...
Tragedy struck the Kasana Junior School in Masaka City, as a devastating fire broke out in the boys’ dormitory, claiming the lives of two young students...
Over the Halloween weekend, Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly donned their second set of costumes, portraying characters from the anime series Death Note as they...
Jaidyn Alexis recently sparked controversy, claiming ownership of Blueface in a social media video, labeling the rapper as “hers,” despite swirling rumors about his connections with...
Ice Spice stirred a mix of controversy and admiration with her recent Halloween performance in New Jersey. While the sultry show featured her in a Betty...
Chris Brown recently seized attention on social media by launching a unique promotional video for his latest weed strain, “Bussin.” Teaming up with “fully integrated cannabis...