Amid speculations of strain in Kanye West and Bianca Censori’s less-than-a-year-old marriage, recent developments suggest a change in the narrative. Initially, concerns had been raised about...
In the world of hip-hop gossip, Tasha K is renowned for fearlessly delving into controversial subjects, and this time she takes aim at Joe Budden for...
As December unfolds, various publications are releasing their annual recap articles, and for Forbes, it’s the highly anticipated “30 Under 30” issue that is currently making...
Kanye West, known for his propensity to stir controversy with personal comments, has once again found himself at the center of criticism, marking a prolonged pattern...
Roger Bonds, once the trusted bodyguard of hip-hop mogul Diddy, has broken his silence on the deteriorating nature of their relationship. In a now-deleted Instagram post...
Tina Knowles, mother of the iconic Beyonce, has stepped forward to counter unwarranted criticism aimed at her daughter following the premiere of the Renaissance concert film....
Ronious Ug, originally named Male Ronald and born to Nabayunga Sanyu Judi and Muzeeyi John, is making waves in the music scene with his unique blend...
Jaafar Jackson, the talented nephew of the late Michael Jackson, took on the momentous role of portraying his legendary uncle on the inaugural day of filming...
Kampala Central Member of Parliament, Muhammad Nsereko, has recently made headlines with the introduction of his third wife, Shamila, in a grand Kwanjula ceremony. Despite already...
The murder trial of FBG Duck is underway, with revelations that the FBI paid rap blogger Martell Wiley, creator of the Trenches News YouTube channel, almost...