Kim Kardashian is well-known for her packed schedule, managing various businesses, attending high-profile events, and, of course, being a dedicated mother to her four children. Amidst...
Megan Thee Stallion has been riding a wave of success with her recent single “Hiss,” which not only sparked renewed tensions with Nicki Minaj but is...
Recent speculation surrounding Beyoncé’s potential tribute performance to the late Tina Turner at this year’s Grammys has been officially debunked. Contrary to earlier rumors circulating through...
Following Eminem’s recent shots at Benzino on “Doomsday Pt. 2,” reigniting their longstanding feud, the Source icon responded with two diss tracks, “Vulturius” and “Rap Elvis.”...
During a recent performance in New York City, Justin Timberlake stirred controversy with a comment that has left numerous fans speculating about its intended target. The...
Since the anticipation surrounding Megan Thee Stallion’s “HISS” began building last month, the spotlight has remained firmly fixed on the talented rapper. The fashion-forward artist used...
The strained relationship between Momma Dee and Bambi, the ex-wife of her son Lil Scrappy, has been a well-known point of contention over the years. Momma...
The release of Megan Thee Stallion’s latest track, “Hiss,” has triggered a wave of online chaos, notably reigniting her ongoing feud with Nicki Minaj. In the...
The intersection of rap and basketball has long been evident, especially for Quavo, the former Migos rapper known for his active participation in the NBA Celebrity...
In response to Universal Music Group’s recent threat to remove its artists’ music from TikTok due to a contract dispute, Muni Long has voiced her disapproval...