a 27-year-old artist widely known by his stage name Alien Skin and recognized for his proficiency in dancehall, reggae, and afropop music genres, has encountered a...
In a significant development, the police in Kanungu District have taken into custody Justus Kananura, the proprietor of a hotel located in Kihihi town council, on...
The police in Kabale District have initiated an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the untimely demise of Hillary Muzora, a 30-year-old Boda Boda rider hailing from...
The residents of Kabale Municipality are facing growing apprehension due to the heightened risk of contracting diseases resulting from deteriorating sanitation conditions. This escalating concern is...
In a significant ceremony held at the headquarters in Niongera Kiwanja of Rutshuru territory in North Kivu, the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces Contingent, an integral part...
Patrick Mulwana, the artist known as Alien Skin from Fangone Forest Entertainment, experienced a night of high-stakes adrenaline when a thrilling show turned into a harrowing...
An investigation by this website has unveiled concerns surrounding Abubaker Lubowa, a photojournalist partially responsible for managing the journalist’s Sacco along with a select few. Members...
Last Friday night, the Villa in Bukoto came alive as the Johnnie Walker Bottle Turn Up experience infused the venue with vibrant energy. Scotch aficionados found...
Davidson Mulumba, the Bugiri district LCV chairman, has been summoned by Busoga East Police following allegations of assaulting Cpl Fred Wabwire, the officer in charge of...
Lawyers have taken legal action in the High Court in Kampala, demanding the immediate appearance of Hajji Abubakali Nsamba in court to account for his detention,...