Last week, the musical duo Geoffrey Lutaaya and Irene Namatovu marked a decade of marital bliss. The event saw the presence of several musicians, including NUP...
Mowzey Radio’s father has openly stated his reluctance to attend the annual memorial service for his late son. The event, held at Kagga Nakawuka on 1st...
News from yesterday’s meeting at State House Entebbe reveals that UNCC has approved new members for the Board of Trustees. The approved members include Prof. Okaka...
In Uganda, out of the 12 months that make a year, January is the toughest of all and recently jokingly most Ugandans said that January is...
The issue around Njeru stock farm in Buikwe district, where Maj Gen Kahinda Otafiire claims ownership of a significant part of the land, is revealing new...
Sports Club Villa has successfully secured the talents of striker Reagan Mpande, sealing a promising three-year contract lasting until January 2027. Hailing from the ranks of...
Gravity Omutujju, whose real name is Gerrason Wabuyi, recently gave two bags of cement and a truck of sand to Bobi Wine’s One Love Beach in...
Uganda women football super league champions Kampala Queens has further beefed up their squad with the services of an experienced midfielder Merceline Wayodi. Wayodi, 29, agreed...
Former media personality Justine Nameere and her husband, Kennedy Nsubuga, are receiving congratulations after a successful Islamic wedding ceremony. The couple got married on Tuesday in...
On Monday afternoon, an array of celebrities, including Kanye West, Tyler The Creator, Snoop Dogg, and more, gathered to witness the unveiling of Charlie Wilson’s star...